Employee Handbook
Does your company have an employee handbook yet? For the companies that don’t have an employee handbook just yet, it is important to get one.
Why is an employee handbook important?
An employee handbook is important part of any company. Not only does the handbook provide new employees with an overview of the company’s philosophy and work rules, but it serves a s guide that helps new employees begin their first day on the job on the right foot.
The employee handbook is more than just a guide and on overview of the company. It is also a way for companies to protect their rights, and they do this by outlining the company guidelines for the employees to adhere to.
The employee handbook is also a useful tool to ensure that your employee relationships remain consistent. With the help of the handbook, the expectations of the workplace are clearly outlined and both new and current employees will know what to expect when they read the handbook carefully.
Things to include in the employee handbook
If you’re just beginning working an employee handbook for your company, these are the things that you should include in your handbook:
The employment-at-Will Statements
The equal employment opportunity statements
What the immigration law compliance is
What the non-disclosure statements are
The definition of employment categories
What the standards of conduct and disciplinary action procedures are
What the employee benefit options are
What are your employee’s leave options
The work condition policies
Social media, computer and email usage
An acknowledgement form
A well-prepared handbook will cover all the legal issues that may or may not arise in the workplace. There is no one employee handbook that will be the same as the next company’s because each business is different, and each business would have their own sets of rules, culture, values and practices that they require their employees to follow.
How to prepare the employee handbook
To begin preparing the employee handbook, the following steps need to be taken:
Collect the existing memoranda and other written policies on the terms and conditions of a staff’s employment
Determine the number of employees, where the employer operate and what laws are applicable
Ask the employer about any unwritten policies and procedures that they would like the employees to be aware of
Collect copies of employee benefit plans
Meet with the employer’s managers to discuss whether there is a need for new policies now or in the future
Determine the proposed language for mandatory or recommended policies that are not already in effect
And finally, review all the policies for legal compliance
One thing to remember is not to make your employee handbook too long when preparing a copy. If the handbook is unnecessarily long, chances are your employee is not going to be interested in going through the whole thing, which just defeats the purpose of a handbook. Make it just long enough to include all the important information that needs to be in there.
Alpharabius has the expertise you need to assist and guide you in crafting the perfect employee handbook with first-hand experience from our qualified and experienced affiliate experts. Contact us to find out more!